About us


In an underground cellar, which has evolved to the tune of times, it rests nowadays the museum that explains the trajectory, history and experience of a humble family that had the dream of living off the land and its wines and that, as of today, has taken its essence to all parts of the world.

Our prize is knowing that all our customers enjoy a good winery wine.


Our primitive winery from the 13th century safeguarded our wines from the high temperatures and humidity of the area and was guilty of many of our joys and successes.

Nowadays, and thanks to our experience, we have a technologically modern winery, adapted to these times and that has managed to maintain the essence of our wine tradition.

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  • Responsable del tratamiento: BODEGA RAMÓN RAMOS SL
  • Tratamos la información que nos facilita con la finalidad de gestionar la relación contractual que nos vincula. La base jurídica en la que se basa el tratamiento y las comunicaciones de los datos es el cumplimiento de una obligación legal, los destinatarios de la información son las Administraciones públicas competentes para el cumplimiento de obligaciones legales.
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  • Puede consultar la información adicional detallada sobre protección de datos:
  • Como enlace en la Página Web de la entidad info@bodegaramonramos.com
At Bodega Ramón Ramos we promote responsible drinking. The sale of alcohol to people under 18 years of age is prohibited.
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

Bodega Ramón Ramos S.L. has received support from the European Regional Development Fund, the aim of which is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs, thanks to which it has established an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in overseas markets during 2017. To that end it has had the support of the Zamora Chamber of Commerce XPANDE DIGITAL Programme.

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